
7 Essential Tips For Improving Your Disc Golf Putting Game

Disc golf putting is a crucial game aspect that can make or break your overall score. Developing a consistent and effective putting technique is essential for success on the course. In this article, we will explore seven essential tips that will help you improve your disc golf putting game and increase your chances of sinking those critical putts.


  1. Master Your Grip: A proper grip is the foundation of a solid putting technique. Experiment with different grip styles, such as the fan or power grip, to find what feels comfortable and provides a clean release. Focus on maintaining a relaxed grip, avoiding excessive tension in your fingers and wrist. Consistency in your grip will improve your putts’ control and accuracy.
  2. Find Your Stance and Alignment: Establishing a consistent putting stance is crucial for developing muscle memory and consistency in your stroke. Find a comfortable and balanced stance allowing a smooth and controlled motion. Align your feet, shoulders, and hips toward the target to ensure a straight, accurate putt. Experiment with different foot placements to find what works best for you.
  3. Focus on Your Follow-Through: A strong and confident follow-through is key to a successful putt. After releasing the disc, maintain a smooth, extended arm that moves toward the basket. Avoid abruptly stopping your motion or jerking your arm. A controlled and balanced follow-through will help generate consistent power and accuracy in your putts.
  4. Develop a Pre-Putting Routine: Establishing a pre-putting routine helps to create a consistent mindset and approach for each putt. Develop a routine that includes visualizing the line and trajectory of your putt, taking a few deep breaths to relax, and aligning yourself with the target. Consistency in your routine will enhance your focus, confidence, and overall putting performance.
  5. Practice Distance Control: Distance control is crucial in disc golf putting, especially for longer putts. Start by practicing shorter putts to develop accuracy and confidence. Gradually increase the distance of your practice putts to improve your ability to gauge and control the power needed for longer putts. Focus on maintaining a smooth and controlled stroke rather than trying to muscle the disc into the basket.
  6. Embrace Putting Drills: Incorporate drills into your practice routine to improve your skills and build consistency. Some popular drills include the “around-the-world” drill, where you putt from different points around the basket, and the “gate drill,” where you set up two objects on either side of the basket as a target to improve your aim. Consistent practice with these drills will enhance your accuracy, confidence, and overall putting game.
  7. Maintain a Positive Mindset: Disc golf putting can be mentally challenging, requiring focus and concentration. It’s essential to maintain a positive mindset and believe in your abilities. Visualize successful putts and trust your technique. Embrace the learning process and view missed putts as opportunities for growth and improvement. With a positive mindset, you’ll be better equipped to handle pressure situations and achieve better results on the course.


Improving your disc golf putting game takes time, practice, and patience. By incorporating these essential tips into your training regimen, you’ll develop a solid foundation for consistent and successful putting. Remember to focus on your grip, establish a consistent stance and alignment, maintain a smooth follow-through, develop a pre-putting routine, practice distance control, embrace putting drills, and maintain a positive mindset. With dedication and practice, your disc golf putting game will reach new heights, leading to improved scores and a more enjoyable overall disc golf experience.

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